Since it's the new year I had wanted to do a "2013 Review" kind of thing, but I'm honestly sick of that shit. When I first started blogging, I had no intention of it being diary-like at all. I don't believe anyone really cares about what I did this week, and the people who do can actually call me on the phone to talk about it. I've never even been huge on keeping a secret diary, so why would I write my hum-drum goings-on for all the world to see (or ignore)?
So somewhere along the line between posts about crafts and posts about being a mom, I lost track of that idea I had. So I'm taking a break to get myself and my thoughts back on track. And no... this was NOT a New Years resolution! It's just naturally a time for new beginnings...
This started when I was browsing Lifehacker, and stumbled upon this holy-grail post: How Can I Write a Successful Blog and Get More People to Read It?
One idea from this article caught my eye: Can you come up with 52 post ideas, one for each week of the year? After focusing on the topic and purpose of my blog (Hello, 9th grade English), I was able to churn out about 20 in probably 5 minutes. I was actually excited. I still am! All I want to do now is write this all out because my head is overflowing... but I have to put Julian down for a nap :(
Basically, it still revolves around what I've been writing about: Julian, and my new life as a mom. Just with much more purpose and a lot less "So, today I..."
I've been lucky as a young mom. Both sides of our family were happy and supportive since day one of my pregnancy. Renato and I both have good jobs, we have lots of great friends and family who help babysit Julian, and he is about as easygoing as a little boy can be. But there are still struggles with judgement from older moms and childless teenage peers, struggles with holding onto my youth, and struggles to remain positive with an uncertain future.
I want to reach out and create (or join) a community of young moms, who refuse to conform to either the "lame mom" or "idiot teen mom" stereotypes, and are proud of their families and their role as a mother. I've seen a lot of mommy blogs that are written by well-to-do, 30 something stay at home moms. There are even some goth moms blogging out there, like the amazing Adora BatBrat. But there's not really anything aimed out there to encourage and inspire bad ass young moms... who are dealing with a lot of responsibility in an already hard time in their lives, and really need it.
I could keep writing all day, but this is already insanely long and -gasp- there's no pictures to look at! So I will end here and leave you with this: