Friday, September 23, 2011

Some summer crafts...

As I said, I didn't have my computer for a lot of the summer, so that made me pretty busy!
I have the nicest neighbors upstairs, two retired twins, Janet and Judith O. They're so cute! Anyway, Janet crochets A BUNCH, she's really good. She gets a lot of practice crocheting afghans for her 7+ grandchildren every year. She's given us a few gifts of her creations, and over the summer she gave me some yarn, needles and crochet magazines. I saw she had the perfect colors for chocolate-chip cookies, and I busted these treats out in a day. I gave them to her as a gift, and really need to make more. They were so easy but came out so cute! Here's to this years Christmas gift...
I just sort of free-handed the design, making simple circles of different sizes. Then I sewed 'em up, stuffed them with yarn and fabric scraps and they were ready to eat! The "chips" are actually just glued on in little spirals. I free-handed the bowl too, it sort of starts of small and gets wider at the middle.

I'm also thinking these would make really great key chain charms on their own. I have never seen (at least that I can remember) key chain pieces at the craft store... I must find some!

There were some other things I made over the summer, like some great clothes and a bicycle bag, that I need to take some pictures of. Coming soon!

 I've known for some time that I have very low chance of getting a "real" or steady job in this economy and with my lack of experience, but it really sunk in recently. My only experience is working at a haunted house! Scaring people only works one month out of the year. Anyway, I sold this zombie-deco mirror in August for $20, and it really encouraged me to try harder and sell my creations/tutorials on how to make them. Hopefully this works out and I can start making a bit of money! I want to use my blog and youtube to make more tutorials and things, and etsy (at least at first, then maybe create my own website) to sell some things I make.


 This is something I made last week. These were first just brains and bows separately, for deco, but then my boyfriend said the most wonderful thing, "Are you going to put those bows on there?" This is much better than having them seperate! The brains are zombie-eaten... I can't get enough of zombie stuff! I'm thinking these would make really cute necklace charms or rings. They're a bit too big for using a lot as deco pieces. They are not baked yet, but after I'll paint on some blood and other good stuff like that. Cute! Or is that gross? Whatever.

So I'll keep an update of how my "business" is doing. Hopefully it starts doing something soon! 


Lily Aurora

Sunday, September 11, 2011

It's been so loooong!

My computer was broken practically all summer. It was fixed by my most wonderful boyfriend about a week ago. Finally! It had been so long I almost didn't know what to do with it. I'm not joking, I put it under my bed the first day here it had been while it was broken.

Even though my computer was broken, my spirit wasn't. I did a lot of crafts over the summer. Maybe it was because I wasn't being distracted by the lure of the internet?  I don't have any of the photos on my computer, because I had to format it in order to fix it. My next post will be an update of all of my summer fun and my current projects. Here's a great idea I had yesterday: I'm going to make my own yearbook instead of getting the school's. I think it's going to be great!

Sorry to anyone who was left hanging!