Sunday, September 11, 2011

It's been so loooong!

My computer was broken practically all summer. It was fixed by my most wonderful boyfriend about a week ago. Finally! It had been so long I almost didn't know what to do with it. I'm not joking, I put it under my bed the first day here it had been while it was broken.

Even though my computer was broken, my spirit wasn't. I did a lot of crafts over the summer. Maybe it was because I wasn't being distracted by the lure of the internet?  I don't have any of the photos on my computer, because I had to format it in order to fix it. My next post will be an update of all of my summer fun and my current projects. Here's a great idea I had yesterday: I'm going to make my own yearbook instead of getting the school's. I think it's going to be great!

Sorry to anyone who was left hanging!

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