He is a Chihuahua mix that we picked up at the shelter on Monday. There were a few other dogs that we wanted to meet but they got adopted very quickly, plus, they were probably too big to have around Julian. He's just the right size for our apartment, but he's not buggy-eyed or shaky (no offense to Chihuahuas that are like that)
So far him and Julian are getting along fine. They don't seem too interested in each other most of the time but they aren't fighting either. Link is a serious lover and jumps on anyone's available lap to curl up. If your door is open, he'll jump in bed and snuggle up with you too! He's lazy most of the day but he can be very fast and energetic if you give him the chance and play with him. And damn he can jump high! He's got great balance and can stand and walk on his hind legs for a long time. I'm glad to be around a dog again, even if he's only slightly bigger than my old rat Octo.
Julian will soon be bigger than Link. He's growing so fast; at 7 months old he wears 9 month size clothes and they fit him snuggly. He can army-crawl around the room at a terrifying speed, and yesterday he took two little crawling steps before plopping back on his belly. He grabs anything around him to help pull himself up onto his knees. I can put him on the floor of the living room, go in the kitchen, and he'll actually scootch himself and follow me! It's so cute but scary at the same time. Soon he'll be completely mobile and I'll never be able to let him out of my sight!
It's been a pretty warm fall here, which was nice in a way, but today it finally snowed! After living in Colorado for over 10 years now, I've finally began to actually like the snow and I look forward to taking Julian out to play in it.