Tuesday, December 24, 2013

Christmas Eve

Merry Christmas from us to you! I'm posting this from my new iPhone 5c which is actually the first smartphone I've ever owned.

As you can see from the picture, Julian is not feeling well. He's got a little cold and it's making him pretty fussy today. I'm having a lot of trouble getting him to nap. Let's hope he feels better soon, because...

... tomorrow we're flying to Texas! I'll be there until New Years Eve seeing all of my family. This is already Julian's second time flying. I don't know why more parents don't take advantage of the deals babies get. They fly free until 2, plus strollers and car seats can get checked for free (on most flights). A mom can even bring her diaper bag as an extra carry on item. So who created the myth that families can't travel and have fun? Some of the most fun places were completely designed for kids and families. Anyway, I can't wait. 

Holiday wishes and runny noses, 
Lily and Juju

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