Thursday, December 19, 2013

Things I Love Thursday

I'm getting back into the habit of writing more often and to keep up, here's a little piece of gratitude inspired by the always fabulous Gala Darling. I've been reading her blog for probably two years now and she's a great inspiration for so many reasons.

This week, I'm really loving...

  • Dressing up again. I did some shopping yesterday and today I'm channeling Morticia Addams.
  • Christmas excitement! Our tree is so little and cute and our hearth it full of presents. 
  • Julian fed himself with a spoon this morning!
  • All the dorky Christmas crafts I've made at work. Right now there's a pine-cone snow man on the dash of my car. I made him a scarf. 
  • Planning my trip to Texas! I'll be there between Christmas and New Year's and Julian is coming with me to meet the rest of our family.
  • Christmas shopping. What more is there to say?
  • Courtney, who is always a doll about watching Julian and who  has become a good friend <3
  • Jackie, who also loves watching Julian and is actually getting him today!
Thanks for sticking around,


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