Thursday, June 13, 2013


No... sadly they weren't actual shots. These were the less fun kind. Julian got his first round of immunizations yesterday. It was three shots in total. I've never seen anyone turn so red! It looked like he was going to burst. Poor little guy was so mad. He was a champ as usual though and quickly calmed down.
No, he's not crying, he's yawning :)

Later that night he was crying harder when he was hungry but other than that he did great. I guess he gets it from me. When I was little I actually would laugh when I got a shot, but now I don't really react at all. I don't know how Renato handled his shots... I'll have to ask.

Before he got his shots, I got a little poke of my own. I got an IUD, which was pretty uncomfortable. I'm still sore. It's weird that the pain is actually focused more in my hip socket and not in my abdomen anymore.

So now Julian is protected from a slew of horrible diseases, and I'm protected from having another little Julian!

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