Thursday, July 25, 2013

Things I Love Thursday

This week has been very different from my usual routine. Monday I got back from Texas and every day I have been doing job applications and interviews. I'm also sleeping differently with Julian - in Texas we slept together and we both slept so well I have been sleeping with him here. Don't worry I don't use a big blanket and keep him safely away from the edge and my pillow. He's also been fussier so maybe it is because of the trip or it is from all the caffeine I've been having. In Texas I drank a bunch and have continued, with about two cups every day. I'm going to cut that out and see if it helps him at all... Hopefully I don't go crazy!

With all those changes in mind, here's what I'm grateful for and loving this week:

  • My Dad, Sister and Grandparents in Texas
  • Getting replies to my job applications
  • Renato for being so great about watching Julian so I can get a job
  • The cooler, rainy weather
  • Apartment planning, because we're moving out soon!
  • Julian not getting sick yet
  • All the helpful info that's online
  • Bamboo and succulents, because I have no green thumb so my strawberries died, but they're still alive :)
  • And Renato (again) for getting me those plants on Mother's Day
And as always I'm thankful to everyone who reads this!
What are you thankful for today???


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