So it's been about a week since I wrote about getting Julian back on a sleep schedule. In that time, he's gotten waaay better! There's still some nights he sneaks back into bed with me (crafty little guy) but he's already slept through a whole night. It was only once, but that's a big deal!
Every night he's asleep around 7, except on Mondays where I get home later so he's in bed more around 8. This first chunk is the easiest for him to get through. Then he'll wake up anywhere from 9-11, and I'll feed him and put him back to bed. This is where he sneaks back in bed with me, if he does. If it's past 11 and he's having a difficult time going back to sleep, I just kind of give up. But if I'm already in bed I give him a chance to fall back asleep, as long as he's not actually crying. He's been able to wake up, wiggle around and shout a bit, then put himself back to sleep two or three times now, at least that I was awake to see.
So my goal is to have this down pat by the time he's 5 months old, so I have about 3 more weeks to go. So far it's going pretty well.
For more of Julian's progress and fun we've been having, here's a video from July when he was three months old. Enjoy!
Thanks everyone who's watched my videos and a special thank you to my first subscriber! Yay!
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